This conversation started after Ian contacted jessica and had her look
at the web site.
Note 1
Hello long lost...great to hear from you.
Ian told me that you had put some photos on your website so I had
a look and then I got your e-mail.What sort of things were you hoping to
find out- dates,places, relationships?
The photo of Jack Jarvis, on a horse, with his mother was taken in the
stable yard at Northgate House. It is out of view on the left of your picture
but I have one taken from the other side that shows the large tree beside
the house. William Jarvis took his bride to the house and John William (always
called Jack) was born in 1900. Will was carried home on a gate after a
fall from his horse and died there in 1905. Mary and George Ainsworth with
Jack moved to Harrogate in about 1914.
I have been building up a family tree from various sources and am fairly confident going back four generations, would this interest you? I won't say any more now in case its not what you want to know! I'll start to check my e-mail more regularly so I catch your reply, Jessica.