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Make More Money - Branding

Avis rents cars. Post makes breakfast cereal. American Express. Ford. The list of great names for products and services goes on and on. These names are what we call brands. Technically a brand is a name or symbol (remember the Nike Swoosh) that identifies the goods or services of one seller.

Big companies use brands as the focus of their advertising and promotion efforts for products. It can be difficult to brand small local services. Small service businesses can benefit from using brands. Branding builds new customers and makes it easy for old one to find you when they need you again.

Find a slogan that works for your business and use it. Put it on your vehicle, on your shirt, on your cap, on the letterhead, on business cards and of course in your advertising. Use a distinctive colour scheme. Which bank comes to mind if I say red and gold? That is the power of colour. Associate your service with something tangible. A muffler repair shop might use a muffler. Design these items to help your customer remember your business. Make brands work for you.